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Fundraising for Abdullah. Who is Abdullah?

Urgent Help Needed for Abdullah

Monthly Ration £50 Medical kit £50 Drinking Water £10 Clothing £20


As-salamu alaykum, dear brothers and sisters. We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea to support Abdullah from Khairpur Nathan Shah. Abdullah, a devout Muslim, accepted Islam in 1980 and has since been a guiding light in our community. Now, he needs our help.

Abdullah’s Story:

Abdullah’s life has been a journey of faith and service. Recently, he was diagnosed with cancer and has faced immense hardships. He lost his wife tragically and is now caring for their three children alone. One daughter works in Karachi, and his two sons are in 3rd and 4th grades.

Abdullah’s living conditions are dire. He lacks basic necessities like proper clothing, regular food, clean water, and a functional bathroom. Despite these challenges, he remains steadfast in his faith.

Why Abdullah Needs Your Help:

Your support can make a significant difference by providing:

  • Chair, Salah Mat, and Commode: For his physical health and daily prayers.
  • Water Pipe and Bathroom Installation: Ensuring clean water and sanitation.
  • Clothes and Shoes: For Abdullah and his children.
  • Children’s Uniforms and Shoes: For school.
  • Gas Stove and Gas Bill: For cooking and warmth.
  • Washing Machine: For hygiene.
  • Fans: To provide relief from the heat.
  • Rashon (Food Supplies): For regular meals.
  • Support for His Children’s Education: To continue their schooling.
  • Travel Support for His Daughter: To bring her back from Karachi.

How You Can Help:

We aim to raise $2300 to cover these needs. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to helping Abdullah and his family. Remember, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity” (Tirmidhi).

Donate Now:

Your generosity can transform lives. Click the button below to make a secure donation and support Abdullah during this critical time.

Stay Updated:

We are committed to transparency. Follow our updates to see how your contributions are making a real difference. We will share receipts, photos, and progress reports regularly.

Share Abdullah’s Story:

Help us spread the word! Share this page with your friends, family, and social networks. Together, we can make a significant impact.

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Thank You for Your Support:

We deeply appreciate your kindness and generosity. Your support not only provides essential items but also restores hope and dignity to an individual who has given so much to his community.


Contact Us:

If you have any questions or would like to offer additional support, please contact us.



Monthly Ration




Clean Drinking Water




Washing Machine


For business


Monthly Ration


Washing Machine


Washing Machine


Washing Machine

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