2022 Devastating Flood in Sindh Pakistan
Emergency Relief
Emergency relief plays a pivotal role in providing vital assistance during the time of crisis. It encompasses swift and coordinated efforts to provide life saving means like evacuation, first aid, medical treatment and surgery, delivery of essential supplies, like food, clean drinking water, fundamental necessities like shelters, bedding and clothing to communities grappling in the aftermath of disaster or war emergency. This immediate intervention is lifeline for affected individuals, offering them a chance of survival and recovery. It represents a beacon of hope in dark times, as it not only addresses the urgent needs of those in distress but also serves as a foundation for long-term recovery and resilience-building efforts. Through the collective endeavors of humanitarian organizations and dedicated individuals, emergency relief efforts stand as a testament to human compassion and solidarity, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity, communities can come forward together to provide essential support and help pave the way for relief and rehabilitation.
Construction of New Houses
Construction of new houses for families who lost their homes in Rains & Floods. DrQuran selected most deserving families in KN Shah, District Dadu, where most underprivileged families lost their homes due to non conventional torrential rains, long lasting flood. DrQuran despite limited budget constructed 20x new houses for selected families including 2x rooms, kitchen and washrooms. Still there is lot of room to build more houses as so many families are still homeless in the area and are living in tents and shelters. Huge amount of funds are needed to build home and to provide the living areas with clean drinking water through deep boring hand water pumps and to provide sanitation and drainage.
Reconstruction of Masjid
Torrential rains prolonged over weeks and later heavy flood, which stood for months not only devastated whole infra structure including houses, roads, schools, hospitals but Masajids as well. DrQuran purchased land for Masajids at comparatively higher and safer ground and reconstructed the Masjid. One such example is reconstruction of Masjid in flood affected village of KN Shah, District Dadu with the Non-Sadqa, Non-Zakat funds to facilitate the area population (90% Muslims) to pray and use the masjid as basic teaching institution for religious and Quranic education.
Installation of Hand Water Pump
Installation of hand water pump for provision of clean drinking water. Although water supply schemes were under developed in the flood hit areas of Sindh including District Dadu before flood. Torrential rains and long lasting floods devastated the whole infrastructure of the affected area and safe clean drinking water became scarce in the area. Water is life, so DrQuran tried to provide clean drinking water for the needs of areas in Tehsil KN Shah of District Dadu and arranged installation of 40x deep bored Hand Water Pumps which are providing drinking, cleaning and washing needs of more than 100 families ( more than 400 persons).
More Hand Pumps are needed, as a big population in the area forced to drink unsafe canal water, which is causing different types of diseases of stomach, digestive system and hepatitis.
Distribution of Egg Laying Hens
Rehabilitation of Flood Affected Families – Distribution of Egg Laying Hens. Floods and Rains not only devastated infra-structure but badly affected the agriculture of the area. Agriculture and services allied with agriculture are the major profession and way of income of more than 70 percent population of the area. Rains and flood not only wasted 2x seasons of major crops but also ruined the fertility of the land. So flood brought poverty and hunger along with DrQuran besides its limited budget, in an effort to reduce the poverty of the population and to increase the income of most under privileged and unemployed families. DrQuran distributed egg laying hens ( 2x hens per lady) among 40x deserving lady heads of flood affected families to boost up their family income. Ladies thanked DrQuran on thinking and working for their family welfare.
Featured Appeal
Let us help together to change lives in flood affected province Sindh, Pakistan

Clean n safe drinking water
Water is life but water become scarce in Flood affected areas of Sindh province. Donate DrQuran £200 to install a hand water pump to meet the permanent drinking water needs of 2x Families.

Sindh is facing unemployement, poverty and injustice since decades. Rains and Flood worsened the sitauation many folds. Help provide a family, a package of one-month food supplies in £100.

Clothing and Bedding was required for homeless families of Flood hit areas. Even now they are in need of the same supplies. Donate DrQuran £100 to provide clothing and bedding for a family.

Construction of Masajid
Flood and Rains damaged whole infrastructure in affected areas including Masajid. Donate Generously in the way of Allah to build and renovate masajid.

Shelter for homeless families
Most of the families of affected areas are forced to live under open sky. Donate DrQuran £ 300 to provide a shelter or a tent for a family of 5 persons.

Sustenance for Orphans & Widows
Help DrQuran to provide sustenance to Orphans and Widows through donations. Adopt an orphan by donating £100 and a widow with children on £ 200 for a month.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “…one who gives charity is like a person who has a handful of flour; every time he gives some away, Allah will fill it up again. The more one gives, the more Allah will give back to him.” (Ibn Majah)
Helping the Needy — Helping the Orphans —Helping the Widows
Drquran seeks to make immediate and lasting improvements to the lives of people affected by poverty, war and disaster. Our key focus areas are:
- Safe, Clean Water
- Mother & Baby Care
- Emergency Relief
- Food and Nutrition
- Evacuation and First Aid
- Seasonal Clothing
- Tents and Shelters
- SOS Requirement of Medical Kits
- Sustenance for Orphans & Widows