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To provide relief where ever the humanity is in pain due to any natural or manmade crisis, disaster, calamity or epidemic.

To ease out the deprived segments of society and to assist them for provision of better health and education facilities and essentials of life.

Building and renovation of Masajids as trade with Allah. Construction of Water well, hand pump, madrasa, school, classroom and tailored projects.

Ever Green Appeal

Let our Humanitarian Relief Works Volunteers team transform your charity donation (Sadaqah Jariyah) vision into a reality.

Build a masjid, water well, hand pump, madrasa, school, classroom or tailored project and leave a lasting legacy today!

Provide relief to those struggling their survival.

When you give the funds to Dr Quran Academy to spend where there are most needed, you empower us to deliver the best possible support to helpless families around the globe.

Find out just what makes Dr Quran Academy the ultimate choice for your Sadaqah and Zakat.

Not only do your donations afford immediate relief to populations devastated by catastrophes and conflicts, but they also leave a lasting impact through ecological developments in the delivery of healthcare, clean water, food and education.

Dr Quran Academy Humanitarian Relief works teams and volunteers worked in 4 countries closely with local experts to locate where the need is most required and create solutions that work best for specific communities.

From delivering emergency food supplies to starving families in Morocco, to providing specialized healthcare to mothers and babies , Medical care to the affected persons in Syria, Turkiye, Morocco and Sindh Pakistan. Your support transforms thousands of lives every single day.

Charity (Trade with Allah)

Let’s Help Together in God’s Name

Helping with Building and Fixing Mosques:
When you give donations that are not Zakat or Sadaqat, you do a great thing. Your money helps build and fix mosques. But that’s not all! When something bad like a disaster happens, your help goes there too. It helps people who are in trouble and need urgent support.

Helping People in Need:
When you give Zakat and Sadaqat, your kindness goes straight to helping people who really need it. Your donation becomes food, clothes, and shelter. It can help sick people get medicine and take kids to safe places. Your kindness can even help build wells for clean water and schools for education.

Let’s Do It Together!
Your small act of kindness can make a big difference. It’s like giving a light in the dark. Your help can bring happiness and comfort to many people. Let’s join hands and give what we can to make things better for others in the name of Allah.

Give Now:
Ready to help? Your gift can change a life. Give now and let’s spread kindness and love together! 🌟

Earthquake in Afghanistan - 7th October 2023

6.3-magnitude quake followed by eight strong aftershocks – jolted hard-to-reach areas near Herat, toppling rural homes and sending panicked city dwellers into the streets.
The quake hit Zindajan, a rural district some 40km (25 miles) from Herat city, where “100% of homes have been completely destroyed,”
Survivors have spent a second night sleeping amid the rubble of demolished villages as they search for loved ones using shovels. The death toll is approaching 3,000.
Afghanistan is already in the grip of a humanitarian crisis, with the widespread withdrawal of foreign aid after the Taliban’s return to power in 2021, which has had a severe impact on its healthcare system.

Images from the villages show entire houses, which were too fragile to withstand such a quake, reduced to rubble. Everything had turned to mud,”. Survivors and rescue workers are digging with shovels and whatever they had to rescue women and children from the rubble.”The Taliban government and aid agencies initially struggled to estimate the death toll, or how many remained missing. It’s unlikely officials had population records for such remote villages.
The area is also home to communities displaced by war and drought, making it difficult for the local administration to know exactly how many people have been living there.

Help Palestine

Israel has intensified its airstrikes on Gaza, which have killed nearly 2000 people and more than 7000 people including children are injured. people in 9 Densely populated residential areas in northern Gaza have been destroyed. Satellite images suggest that entire neighborhoods have been leveled by the airstrikes. The retaliatory campaign is believed to be the most intense Israeli bombardment in the seven decades of conflict between Israel and Palestine. Israel has also put Gaza under a complete siege, with Israeli Defense Minister announced that the coastal enclave would receive “no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel.” The majority of Gaza’s electricity comes from Israeli power lines and its only power station ran out of fuel, meaning that Gaza is now without electricity.

More than 420,000 Palestinians have been internally displaced. Israel has ordered to vacate northern Gaza having a population of more than 1.2 Million Palestinians. So the Gaza issue has become the worst humanitarian crisis of the current era.
Sir strike hit Palestinians of the Gaza required food, water, shelters, medicine, first aid kits, baby food, warm clothes, rechargeable lights and gas stoves.

Syrian Crises

More than a decade of humanitarian crisis and hostilities has left children in Syria facing one of the most complex emergencies in the world. Around two-thirds of the population require assistance because of a worsening economic crisis, continued localized hostilities, mass displacement and devastated public infrastructure. Now, the country is also grappling with the aftermath of severe human and material damage from catastrophic earthquakes and aftershocks in February 2023. 

Around 90 per cent of families in the country live in poverty, while more than 50 per cent are food insecure. Amid the conflict, many children and families have been forced to flee to safer areas, resulting in considerable internal displacement. The collapsing health care system, lack of access to safe water, poor sanitation and increasing food insecurity has resulted not only in increased vulnerability to fast-spreading waterborne and vaccine-preventable diseases, but also sparked a dramatic increase in malnutrition among children. An estimated more than 600,000 children under the age of five are stunted, the result of chronic under nutrition. About 2.4 Million children are out of school inside Syria. Almost 7Million children are in need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria.6.9 Million Persons are internally displaced.

Earthquake in Turkiye 2023

On 6 February 2023, 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria. There was widespread damage in an area of about 350,000 km2 (140,000 sq mi), about the size of Germany. An estimated 14 million people, or 16 percent of Turkey’s population, were affected. Development experts from the United Nations estimated that about 1.5 million people were left homeless. The confirmed death toll stood at 59,259 in Turkey and 8,476 in Syria. It is the deadliest earthquake in what is now present-day Turkey.

There were 50,783 deaths and 107,204 injured across 11 of the 17 affected provinces of Turkey. At least 15.73 million people and 4 million buildings were affected. About 345,000 apartments were destroyed. More than 2 million residents in the affected provinces were evacuated to nearby provinces including Mersin, Antalya, Mardin, Niğde and Konya. More than 20 percent of Turkey’s agriculture production was affected.

Floods in Sindh Pakistan, 2022

Unusual heavy rain and Floods in Pakistan during June to Oct 2022 caused 1,739 people died, including 647 children and an additional 12,867 people were injured. Over 2.1 million people were left homeless because of the floods. Government officials estimated at least $30 billion of reconstruction costs and economic damage, equivalent to about 10% of GDP of Pakistan. Flooding caused ₨ 3.2 trillion ($14.9 billion) of damage and ₨ 3.3 trillion ($15.2 billion) of economic losses in Pakistan (Especially in Sindh Province). On 25 August, Pakistan declared a state of emergency because of the flooding.
The flooding was the world’s deadliest flood since the 2020 South Asian floods and described as the worst in the country’s history. It was also recorded as one of the costliest natural disasters in world history.

Morrocan Eeathquake 2023

On Sept 8 2023, a devastating magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit Morocco.

There are many picturesque but tiny villages in the High Atlas Mountains, near the town of Adassil, Al Haouz province, several of which have been devastated. As of Sept. 14, there were 2,946 deaths and 5,674 people injured. Marrakesh, a historic and popular tourist destination, was the most impacted large city, with a population of 840,000 people. 380,000 people were severely affected due to their proximity to the quake’s epicenter. At least 500,000 people have been displaced. In the provinces of Al-Haouz and Taroudant, which account for 90% of deaths and injuries, one million people are directly affected by the earthquake. Data Friendly Space reports that 59,000 homes were damaged and 19,000 homes were destroyed. According to the World Food Programme, 7.1 million people (about 18%) in the country do not have sufficient food consumption. About 100,000 children were affected and 530 schools, along with 55 boarding schools, were damaged or destroyed

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