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Appeal-Donate for Palestinians. Medicines, Food and Shelters.

Dr. Quran in Syria
Dr. Quran in Syria
Dr Quran's Principal in EarcthQuake Zone Turkey

Every Penny Counts: Emergency Appeal "DONATE FOR GAZA"

Dr. Quran in GAZA

Thank You For Donations
Emergency relief is a beacon of hope in times of crisis, embodying human compassion. Swift and coordinated, it provides lifesaving aid to devastated communities, laying the groundwork for recovery and resilience. Join us in making a difference and fostering healing.
So, he who gives in charity and fears Allah and in all sincerity testifies to the best. We will indeed make smooth for him the path to bliss. (92:5-10).
Charity giving is a virtuous deed in Islam and is considered proof of one’s faith.

Zakat Calculator

Use our Zakat calculator for a super easy way to figure out your Zakat, keeping track of your assets all year round. And if Ramadan’s got you looking for some extra guidance, we’re just an email or phone call away, ready to help out.
At Dr. Quran Academy, we pride ourselves on being an innovative Islamic educational institution in the UK, committed to offering free educational opportunities to students from diverse backgrounds. Dive into our wide range of programs and see the impact we aim to make. Feel free to reach out with any inquiries – we welcome everyone with open arms.

Discover the Difference at Dr. Quran Academy – Your Destination for Islamic Education.


If you have any questions about our services or programmes, get in touch today.

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